Someone asked if we have a retail outlet? Umm...if only we had one.
For now, Crushing Dried Leaves is an ONLINE MALL. A heaven where you can buy all the good designer stuff made by passionate ones all at one stop even during wee hours. Isn't it great to be able to shop after a hard day's work when all the street shops are closed?
Though we know it may be hard for one to go into online purchase especially when you cannot see or touch the real thing, however, feel free to ask us what you need to know about the product you like and we'll do our best to clear any doubts you might have. All we can say is that we can assure you that our products are of good quality.
In the meantime happy shopping!!
19 August 2007
We are only an ONLINE MALL ... ...
Shopping Tips by I love Mikimoto at Sunday, August 19, 2007 0 Shoppers
10 August 2007
Not Your Size?
If you feel that CDL hasn't been fair to you by bringing in clothes in small/medium sizes, we hope you can be a little patient with us. The reason why we didn't have a wide size range is due to the fact that we do not have a ready or steady clientele whom we are confident of that could make up our sales and also we did not want to leave ourselves with a load of inventory we might not be able to sell off.
Thus, what we got for a start are a limited number of unique designer wears which are usually free sizes. It might be free size and would be good for us to use "free size" to market our products, but we did not want to give false impression to our customers just because we want to sell our products. Moreover the measurements for each piece seems nothing more than a medium in size.
For those who like our stuff, fret not. Just be a little patient, we'll save up more over time to get something for each and everyone of you. Feel free to give us your feedback on what you might like to see and when opportunity permits, we'll definitely get them for you!!
Shopping Tips by I love Mikimoto at Friday, August 10, 2007 0 Shoppers
09 August 2007
More than a week's old
Thank you all for your time surfing our website - And thank you for your valuable feedback and comments. Among all, many of you had commented on our modest and basic website. You may not know (and actually need not know) that we did not want to spend so much on other details other than the products. The fact that we're trying to make this work at a very tight budget and being a small start-up makes this business quite tough actually. Ideally, it'll be perfect to have a pretty website that is user-friendly, with great payment function, fabulous viewing options etc. Of course we want that, but for now we can only opt for a free webpage. We thank google for that.
Please bear with us and hopefully someday, we can hit that road - trust us, we have great dreams. As we believe in what Kermit sang, "someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection. The lovers, the dreamers and me...".
Shopping Tips by I love Mikimoto at Thursday, August 09, 2007 0 Shoppers
01 August 2007
About Crushing Dried Leaves
Design through passion – that is the heart of this community of talents, and the ‘design-aholics’ who appreciate their works. We hope to grow a platform to offer the designs for sale, and to share the stories of these emerging talents. These shall be presented in an unpretentious fashion, with focus on clarity and creative energies.
Not limited to any specific class, it’s simply products of true passion. Chic (timeless yet stylish), with exacting standards & quality in workmanship and design, the creative direction also speaks ‘smart,’ ‘evocative,’ ‘subtle’ and ‘sensitive’.
An ever-growing large pool of talents also builds diversity and strength in Crushing Dried Leaves, creating an exciting destination for both consumers and designers. This destination shall also help break down boundaries and carry the designs across different markets.
Our dream is to nurture a vibrant space with unusually high frequency of new items, each in exclusive quantities closer to the heart of the talents’ signature styles. Realize a journey of daily discoveries and exquisite pleasures in design. Imagine…
Crushing Dried Leaves – design tru(e) passion
Shopping Tips by I love Mikimoto at Wednesday, August 01, 2007 0 Shoppers