I was shopping with my sister dearest today for a dress she could wear in a coming wedding she'll be attending next month. My my...it seems like the task I was assign to was almost impossible. We had marched through malls after malls, invaded brands after brands, and it was difficult to find a piece we like.
Why is it that only during festive seasons we have got plenty of dresses around but off-peak time like now, there is hardly any. I mean, doesn't anyone needs a dress during other time of the year. Do people forget that there are still parties to go, weddings to attend and special events to dress up for. We did finally find a piece, but there weren't many to choose from to begin with. How pathetic.
Wish we had more varieties, choices and designs to choose from - like the Luisa Beccaria's 2008 Fall collection, we see the pastel colors and matching shoes with stockings so pretty and girly! And look at the range they carry. All girls' dream to wear them.
Pictures from Style.com
24 February 2008
All I want TODAY is a DRESS
Shopping Tips by 5PF at Sunday, February 24, 2008 0 Shoppers
18 February 2008
The Diving Bell & The Butterfly
Jean-Dominique Bauby, editor-in -chief of French Elle was completely paralysed and speechless after a stroke, known as the lock-in syndrome.
In the movie you will see the struggle Jean went through and how his inner-self curb through the frustration. It was however portrayed in a humourous way. The only means of communication was by moving his eyelid. With the help of therapists, Jean managed to come up with a way to construct words and sentences - alphabet by alphabet. Through this slow process, he wrote the book - The Diving Bell & The Butterfly.
A memoir of all times.
Shopping Tips by 5PF at Monday, February 18, 2008 0 Shoppers
17 February 2008
2008 Full Pantone Colors - Fashion Report
Top 10 colors for Fall this year. Instead of the usual low-key colors such as grey and brown, be excited with the season's colors for fashion. They call it cool hues. Bright and cheery and definitely a great way to add colors to your wardrobe. Have fun matching your attires and say bye-bye to boring dull colors.
Shopping Tips by 5PF at Sunday, February 17, 2008 2 Shoppers
15 February 2008
It's not just a JOB
Martin is my hairstylist at one of the best hair salons in Singapore. He is from Hong Kong, has great dress-sense, humour and definitely good looks. You can't imagine how much his customers' pays for a haircut from him. Trust me, it's simply unbelievable. A lot of tai-tais patronizes the salon and he is one of the fastest rising hairstylists in town (he will be featured in Urban under Straits Times on 21 Feb 2008). He has been doing my hair for about 4 years now and has already been promoted 3 times. Each time he gets a promotion, his charges goes up. Luckily for me, we've cultivated an almost friend-like relationship and with this he gives me good discount for my visits.
I was at the salon today and couldn't decide if I should do a perm or just a cut (But like what D says, you're paying so much for someone professional to think what look best on you, so leave it to him. And so I did). Martin thought my curls were still looking great and I should just get a trim to make them look more natural. As always, I went with his suggestion.
Martin is very enthusiastic and professional when it comes to cutting/perming/coloring. Even though the salon have 'technicians' (that's what they call people who does perms and colors) to do perms, I always have him to do for me. The perms usually last longer (at least a year). I guess he must be doing well in his career for a reason and that is simply because he is a good at what he does.
I saw how he coax an indonesian tai-tai today as she was not happy with the color on her hair. After a few moments of pacifying her he came back happily and continued cutting my hair. I asked, "it must be tough working here huh?" and he said "Not at all!". While he continued cutting my hair, through the mirror I saw a serious look on his face. And I could tell he really enjoys what he does. He loves his job!! And when I asked if he did, he said with a grim "Yes!! I have chosen the right career.".
As I was leaving a happy customer, Martin was looking at me (more my hair) with a smile. I could tell he has satisfaction written all over him for what he just did for me. Deep inside, I was envious. I wish I could have the same passion as him as I did in my job. Perhaps if I did, I could be happier in what I am doing. And perhaps then, it is not just a job.
Shopping Tips by 5PF at Friday, February 15, 2008 1 Shoppers
04 February 2008
The "Whopper Freakout" Campaign by CPB
Another fantastic idea from one of my favourite agencies - Crispin Porter + Bogusky: The "Whopper Freakout" Campaign. The site achieved 1.5 million unique visitors in its first 1.5 months! Check out the documentary style video below. What a way to prove that the BK Whopper is one of America's favourite burgers.
First discovered Crispin Porter + Bogusky through a Business 2.0 (regretfully discontinued innovative business magazine, a favourite of mine) article on Alex Bogusky. Their "Truth" campaign and their project for the Mini Cooper were some of my early favourites.
Shopping Tips by D at Monday, February 04, 2008 0 Shoppers