24 May 2009

busy bee or me

Whoah...got up today and i had a list of things to do.

Firstly, to prepare D's meals for the week. Since he might not have time to get meals this week with his packed schedule, here are some homecooked dishes i whipped up within 3 hours.

curry chicken and red potatoes with kaffir lime leaves, lemon grass and curry leaves

spicy minced beef with basil leaves and star anise

red potatoes, japanese carrot, straw mushrooms with soft bones pork soup

red wine white mushroom with buttered minced beef

Then after i blog (which is now)...i'm rushing for my appointment with browhaus...I haven't been going for a while, and since D's occupied the whole day (only meeting him around 6pm), I thought I could do some girly stuff on my own. =)

And then I will be meeting LC, my ex-colleague at Cedele, Wheelock to catch up. Umm..i feel like a piece of cake later...kekeke...

Yeah!! What a busy busy sunday...doing things i like....happy and well-spent!

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